Our Young Leaders Shining

On Wednesday 27 March, the Years 2-6 students congratulated their newly elected Junior School student councillors.

Year 4 - Layla Nichols, Logan Shepherd, Kur Wutchok

Year 5 - Zayde Kingston, Hannah-Mae Rowse. Lucinda Pepper

Year 6 - Ithica Harris, Alyssa Lucken, Takunda Bere 

In an assembly that focussed on leadership and celebrated achievement, the Year 12 House Captains continued their important task (set earlier in the term by Principal Ms Felicity House), to decide on a Mascot for each House.  At the conclusion of the assembly (and armed with patience and enthusiasm), every student in the Keith Lindbeck Centre flocked to their respective House Captain and had an opportunity to vote on the mascot they deemed the best fit for their House.

Like all assemblies at PCACS, there are always so many contributors.  A big thank you to;

  • The Year 5B students for their informative assembly item
  • Mr Morris and Mrs Knight and our 2019 student souncillors
  • The Guys and Dolls Cast - A wonderful snapshot of our School musical
  • Ciera Carter, the amazing pianist

And finally, a huge congratulations to our three most recent Bronze Certificate recipients who were acknowledged in front of their peers and parents throughout the assembly:

Archer Watkins (Year 3K)
Layla Nichols (Year 4M)
Olivia Walters (Year 6M)