Outdoor Learning at Calista!

A beautiful garden and outdoor classroom has been created at our Calista Campus. This garden was funded by our School Parents and Friends Association and through a grant of $1500 from CSBP and Wesfarmers.  The garden contains various garden beds, potted citrus trees, picnic tables for students to work at and a 1000L water tank to help us protect this precious resource. Today Thursday 7 November, our Calista campus is having an Outside Classroom day so it was the perfect opportunity for our Year 1 students to take part in the first planting of the garden. Students had a wonderful time learning about the different plants, herbs and vegetables that they were planting, including some Bush Tucker plants. They also learnt about companion planting which assists with controlling pests and also encouraging pollination by bees.

Students at Calista will carefully tend to the garden every week to ensure that it is being looked after and watered. We look forward to reaping the benefits of this garden in the months ahead as the plants grow and begin to produce a harvest.