PCACS Founders' Day 2019

On Friday 14 June, the School celebrated the commencement and history of our School with our annual Founders' Day.

At the Calista assembly, Mr Philip Goldsworthy (Director, Mission and Planning Anglican Schools Commission) shared his insight into our school's young history, reflecting on the pride we have for our School and acknowledging honoured staff members who have been part of the School community for 5 and 10 years respectively.  The Honourable Roger Cook MLA, recently donated a bike for our raffle and as a campus we raised $171 for the Anglicare Winter Appeal. He joined the assembly and spoke to our students before drawing the lucky winner,  Kirsty Butterworth (mother of Kindergarten student Samuel Arndt). Following the assembly, ELC staff and students prepared themselves to travel via bus to the Wellard Campus, with an exciting Founders' Day itinerary ahead.

The Founders' Day Celebration Service at the Wellard Campus for the Year 2 to 12 students with invited guests and many parents in attendance.  The guest of honour was our School Patron Dr Peter Carnley AC. Our Principal, Ms Felicity House spoke of his remarkable legacy including the ordination of women into the priesthood and the inspiration for both the Anglican Schools Commission and Anglicare.  Ms Jude Stringer delivered the Gospel from Matthew, Chapter 13, Versus 1-18, 'The Parable of the Sower', which was very fitting to our Founders' Day reflection and understandings.  Mrs Ann Carnley delivered an insightful homily, and prayers and reflections were led by The Venerable Canon Kathy Barrett - Lennard (Acting Dean of St George's Cathedral), recognising that our School is a living example of Dr Carnley's selfless work and witness to God. 

Thirteen staff were also presented with 5 and 10 Year service badges, and Ms House congratulated these long-serving staff and those who have chosen to work at our school, making it one of Grace and Truth, enterprise and lifelong learning.

After the presentations, the new 2020 Scholarship recipients were announced and presented.  Recipients were:

The Archbishop Dr Peter Carnley Scholarship for Academic Excellence
Tashinga Chipfunhu
Izacc Dahdal
Chudy Isisienu
Vicky Jang
Snow Li

The Bishop Murray Scholarships for Leadership/Citizenship
Audrey Sullivan
Cassie De Courcy-Barnett

The All-rounder Scholarship
Aliyah Ghonem

The Grace and Truth Scholarship
Dakota Williams

Following the Service, the Senior School students buddied up with Junior classes to participate in a collaborative planning activity, "PCACS, Imagine what we can be!"  This was a similar initiative the staff undertook at the start of the year, where participants planned and discussed ideas that would improve the school.  The Senior School students guided the discussion and it allowed creative expression from all students with a focus on the 'Imagination' and 'possibility'.  After lunch the Senior School students challenged each other in House sport competitions, Escape Room activities and the 'Amazing Race' challenge.  Junior students, together with staff and parents participated in the annual Founders' Day Lapathon on the school oval to complete a very busy yet enjoyable Founders' Day.

Thank you to our School Executive, student leaders, staff, students and parents for your involvement, entertainment, planning and participation, including our invited guests who made the day very special:  

The Most Reverend Dr Peter Carnley AC, Mrs Ann Carnley, The Venerable Canon Kathy Barrett-Lennard, Mr Philip Goldsworthy, Mr Jeremy Ludlow, Ms Elizabeth Guilbert, Mrs Jan McNamara, Her Worship the Mayor Carol Adams, Mr Reece Whitby MLA, Hon Roger Cook MLA,  Ms Clarissa Thomson, Mr Ryan Masters, Mr Ranjith Weddikkara, Mrs Lalani Weddikkara, The Reverend Keith Wheeler, Mrs Wheeler, Scholarship families