PCACS Visit from MP Madeleine King

On Monday 8 April 2019, Federal Member for Brand, Madeleine King MP, visited Ms Angela Kavanagh's Year 8 HASS class to talk about federal politics and engage in a Q&A session with students. Madeleine represents our local community, more specifically, the cities of Kwinana and Rockingham.

Ms King was born in Calista (Kwinana) and grew up and was schooled around the Safety Bay/Rockingham area.  After school, Ms King studied law at the University of WA, was involved in Higher Education in some capacity over a number of years and was elected into Federal Parliament in July 2016 after finding her passion for politics.

Ms King spoke about her enthusiasm and excitement in modern-day Australian politics, particularly with a Federal Election looming in the coming months.  Ms King also gave the students a snapshot' of a 'day-in-the-life' for a Federal Politician, which prompted some interesting questions from the students, which was of particular interest to a few students who will be attending the Canberra Trip later in the year.

Following the Q&A sessions, Ms King presented a new Australian Flag to the class, perhaps a sign to come for a newly elected government in the 2019 Federal Election.