Principal's Welcome & Student Leader Commissioning Assembly

On Thursday 18 February, the Years 2-12 students and staff gathered in the Keith Lindbeck Centre for the 2021 Principal's Welcome and Student Leader Commissioning Assembly.

As is now a tradition at the start of the School year, the Year 6 and Year 12 students are presented with badges, as they now step into their roles as leaders for our Junior School and Whole School respectively. Following these presentations, the Junior School Prefects, Year 6 Captains and the Senior Leadership team were commissioned which includes Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Prefects, Arts Captain, Service Captain and House Captains.

All Students Leaders made their oath to the School community, promising to fulfil their responsibilities as leaders, uphold the School values and encourage others and ensure their actions and behaviours provide a fine example of leadership.

In recognition of their position of leadership within the School, the symbols of office were presented by Ms Shirley Steel (The Cross), Mr Steve Wynhorst (The School Banner), Rev Kim (The Bible) and Mr Shane Parnell (The Candle).