R U OK? DAY 2019

On Thursday 12 September, the PCACS community celebrated R U OK? DAY at the Wellard Campus.  This day is an important part of the Pastoral Care programme at PCACS, not only in supporting the message about empowering those around us and supporting those who have life struggles, but also taking the time to consciously make contact with one other and be aware of our own physical and mental health.  This is particularly important for the young people in our life and in creating positive awareness to mental health from early adulthood.

The atmosphere of R U OK? DAY was powerful with students dressing in yellow clothing and accessories and participating in a variety of healthy activities throughout the day.  Students engaged in rock painting workshops, circuit training, gratitude sessions, inflatable games, the Blue tree project (https://www.facebook.com/bluetreeproject.com.au) and 'Armed for Life' (resiliency and mental health training: https://www.armedforlife.com.au/).

Year 11/12 students Youngor Kpatar, Esther Qua Qua, Tinotenda Mutyasira and Lona Lokosang conducted traditional African dance workshops throughout the day which was an absolute highlight of the day and the epitome of the 'spirit of R U OK? Day.  

The day concluded with all students gathering in the Keith Lindbeck Centre to enjoy a one man magic show, which was not only hilarious, it was great to see students and staff thoroughly enjoying themselves and getting involved in the fun.