Senior School Awards Presentation 2019

On Thursday 5 December, Peter Carnley Anglican Community School acknowledged the accomplishments and experiences of all students in the Senior School during the annual Awards Presentation. 

The event was attended by many parents, staff and students, special invited guests and the official party including Mr Jeremy Ludlow (Chair of Council), The Most Reverend Dr Peter Carnley AC, Mrs Barbara Godwin (ASC), The Reverend Peter Lawrence (ASC), The Right Reverend Kate Wilmot and our executive staff.

There were many awards presented throughout the morning, which highlighted the hard work, dedication and passion of the Senior School students. Awards included Academic, Sport, Cultural, Citizenship, Subject Excellence, Endeavour Awards, Sponsored Special Awards as well as 2020 Scholarships.  This year, Ms House introduced and presented the Masters Award, which honours the students and families who began their PCACS journey in Early Learning (Pre Primary or Year 1) right through to Year 12.

At the completion of the awards, 2019 Head Girl Tisha Davies, Head Boy Blake Newton and Principal Ms Felicity House presented Ms Jude Stringer with a book and flowers, sharing with those in attendance her unique qualities as an educator, mentor, friend and teacher.  Ms Stringer will be retiring this year and it was very evident through the students' reflection how much of an impact she has made on everyone at PCACS.

Congratulations to all of the Award recipients, musicians who performed during the presentation, staff and students who worked tirelessly in organising the event and the support of all of the families celebrating another successful school year.