Senior School Awards Presentation 2020

On Thursday 3 December, the PCACS community celebrated the many accomplishments and experiences of all the Senior School during the Awards Presentation of 2020. The Senior School Awards system provides recognition of student effort, talent and determination. The categories are Academic, Sport, Cultural and Citizenship.  Year 7 students can aspire to receive Distinctions in their first year of their Senior School Journey.  Years 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 students have the opportunity to earn Distinctions, Half Colours, Colours and Honours in each of the four categories throughout their time at School. Congratulations to all of the award recipients who were also presented with a badge.

As well as the Senior School special Awards, a select group of students took to the stage to be presented with their 2021 Scholarships. The Scholarship recipients for 2021 are:

The Grace and Truth Scholarship

Ruby Willimott, Grace Bornhede and Amber Salathiel

The Bishop David Murray Scholarship for Leadership and Citizenship

Jeren Keziah Calingasan

The John Moody Scholarship for Excellence in Sport

Amtoj Randhawa, Tilly Haselhurst, Kaytee Bogaers

Congratulations to Year 12 students Mikayla Anthony who was presented with the Ranjith Weddikkara WACE/VET Dux Award for 2020, Travis Trotter who received the ATAR Dux of School and Faith Clowry who was presented with the 2020 Principal's Award.