Senior School Interhouse Athletics Carnival 2022

On Friday 19 August the sun was shining upon us as we held our annual Interhouse Athletics Carnival.

It was never going to be a fast track with the amount of water-logging of the previous weeks, but there were still a lot of spectacular contests across all age groups on the track and in the field.

It was great to see all the students out giving their best effort to throw, jump, run and cheer for their House and the support from staff and parents built a fantastic atmosphere.

Thank you to all the staff and participants for your efforts to embrace the carnival this year and build an encouraging and enthusiastic atmosphere throughout the day. The P&F for the amazing canteen service provided on the day and all the grounds and maintenance staff for their contributions to set up and pack away. And a BIG thank you to the Phys Ed department for their organisation and running of this successful Senior School event!

The carnival totals were as follows;

Laurence 1276 points

Lindbeck 1604 points

Moody 1687 points

Murray 1947 points

Champions and Runners-up for each Year level and gender were presented with their medallions at an assembly during Week 6.