Senior School Leaders' Assembly

On Thursday 14 March, the Senior School gathered in the Keith Lindbeck Centre to welcome the newly elected 2019 Student Council.  (Years 7-11)

Each Year Coordinator announced the three elected students per year group and presented them with their leaders' badge.  There was a huge interest by many students to apply for these positions, and after presenting their speeches and voted in by their peers, following students were elected:

Ms Stringer invited 6 of our Year 12 Prefect team to stand in front of their peers, highlighting the wonderful leadership displayed recently with their participation in the Commonwealth Day, 'Multi Faith Observance Ceremony' at St George's Cathedral.  Supported by Principal Ms Felicity House and Head of Senior School Ms Jude Stringer, our Prefects gathered for a photo with Governor Kim Beazley following the ceremony.

Service Captain, Aiden Galbraith has been working tirelessly behind the scenes (Supported by Mrs Weddikkara and fellow students) in preparation for 'Crazy Hair Day' on Friday 15 March.  Addressing the School, Aiden reflected on the motivation behind the fundraising initiative, his own Grandfather, who battled with Leukemia, sadly passing away and inspiring Aiden to raise awareness for this worthwhile cause.  Displaying a montage of his Grandfather's story, Aiden very bravely articulated the importance of such fundraising events because they do make a difference in supporting research for medical advancements and eventual cures of such diseases.