Student Leader Announcement Assembly

On Thursday 28 October, the school gathered for the announcement of the 2022 leaders at a whole school assembly at the Wellard campus.

Mrs Steele talked about opportunities for Junior School students and congratulated all of the Year 5 students who stepped out of their comfort zones and took part in the process of applying for Captain positions in 2022. Ms House spoke about leadership being a call to service and all students are given many opportunities at PCACS to exhibit their leadership skills, to be proud of their school and to be exemplary ambassadors both in school and in the wider community.

In Senior School candidates undertook rigorous letter writing, speech making, vote casting and an interview process with Ms House, Mr Wynhorst and Mr Halliday, then students were selected based on not only their personal attributes and strengths but also their ability to demonstrate School values of spirituality, excellence, honesty, respect, acceptance and justice.



Junior School Captains: Amy Chapman and Conor Sheen

Murray Sports Captains:  Szabina Forster and Amelie Howitt
Laurence Sports Captains:  Adelle Hams and Liam Potter
Moody Sports Captains:  Luke Peters and Evie Weston
Lindbeck Sports Captains:  Rafael Herft and Ayla Holmes

Murray Service Captain:  Max Morphew
Laurence Service Captain:  Shayleen Shrestha
Moody Service Captain:  Alexis Barkla
Lindbeck Service Captain:  Annaliese Scorer


Head Boy:  Izacc Dahdal                        
Head Girl:  Daniella Mukwada        

Deputy Head Prefect:  Jonathan Beringer   
Deputy Head Prefect:  Ruby Woodroffe 

Moody House Captain:  Shriddhi Ghimire    
Murray House Captain:  India Thompson
Laurence House Captain:  Sarah Mullineux
Lindbeck House Captain:  Jasmine Findlater

Arts Captain:  Claudia Howatson                   
Service Captain:  Bridie Jones