Student Leaders 2021

"At Peter Carnley Anglican Community School, we take our responsibility of growing leaders very seriously. When you look around at leaders in our school, in our community, in our state, across our nation and the world, school has often been the place where they developed and strengthened their leadership capabilities. 

Through the student council, service learning, YMAD, Duke of Edinburgh, peer support, camps, Co Curricular, sporting teams and even in everyday lessons and activities, student leaders become apparent and opportunities are provided for growth, experience and skills development". Ms Felicity House, Principal

Today, the new leaders for 2021 were announced at the Student Leaders' Assembly. Ms House emphasised the qualities of a good leader to the students and explained the rigorous selection process that takes place. Ms House also recognised the current 2020 Prefects and the fine example they set in what was a very disruptive year, but more importantly, the students set a positive, thoughtful and honourable tone for the school.

The 2021 student leaders are:

Senior School

Head Girl: Audrey Sullivan 
Head Boy: James Wigfield 
Deputy Head Prefect: Frances Caretas 
Deputy Head Prefect: Sean Fusire
Arts Captain: Zyllah Day 
Service Captain: Genevieve Rowlands
Lindbeck House: Captain Paige Carroll
Moody House Captain: Hunter Lansdell
Laurence House: Captain Alisia Crew
Murray House: Captain Abbey Nichols

Junior School

Junior School Captain: Isabella Steiner
Junior School Captain: Tian (Aidan) Nam
Junior School Deputy Captain: Ashley Kevan
Junior School Deputy Captain: Rhys Morton
Murray Service Captain: Logan Shepherd
Moody Service Captain: Skylar Thapa
Lindbeck Service Captain: Isabella Sharma
Laurence Service Captain: Angelita Madruga-Hogarth
Murray Sport Captain: Teagan Pearson 
Murray Sport Captain: Oliver (Olly) Benson
Moody Sport Captain: Mia Smith
Moody Sport Captain: Ky Hamersley 
Lindbeck Sport Captain: Lily Harton 
Lindbeck Sport Captain: Aliyah Ghonem
Laurence Sport Captain: Sonia Gosain 
Laurence Sport Captain: Liliana Morrison