Tara Patterson

Tara Patterson - Class of 2013

Year you started attending PCACS (If Primary, who was your class teacher) Started Year 8 at PCACS in 2009.

Why did you (or your parents) choose this School for you to attend? My parents wanted us kids to go to a private school and stay local and at the time PCACS was a new up andcoming local private school that they really liked the look of. 

What were your favourite classes? My favourite class was definitely Sport/Outdoor Education with Mr Wedikkarra and Mr Halliday. Also ATAR Human Biology with Mr Naseri.

What was your greatest achievement at PCACS? My greatest achievement was definitely becoming Sports Captain/School Prefect in my final year of schooling. 

What did you think of the campus and extracurricular activities? The campus was still pretty new when I started so every year we came back to a new and improved building or area of the School. They were always top notch facilities at the time of our education. It was a lovely place to learn. The extracurricular program was good and always something new to chose from every term, especially the girls football team that we first started up when I was there.

How did the School prepare you for your career? PCACS prepared me for the working/real world in many ways. It taught me a high standard of personal presentation and to take pride in how we present ourselves. It gave me great time management and set me up well in the aspect of always striving to do the best level of work in whatever job or area of study I am doing at the time. 

What are your favourite memories from PCACS? There are so many memories over the years at PCACS that are my favourite to choose from. Definitely any Outdoor Ed Camp we went on, they were always so much fun and we had so many laughs along the way. The Italian trip we went on in Year 11 in 2012 was amazing! Also any Sports Carnival/Interschool Carnival I got to attend, they were the best days of school. Most of all it was just being able to see all my mates and be with them everyday, that’s what I miss most about school. We always all did together!

Since graduating in 2013 I went straight into a University studying Sports Science at ECU in 2014, but by the end of my second year in 2015 I decided that Uni wasn’t for me and I left. I’ve worked part time since leaving school to save up money to travel around the world a few times every year. Since 2014 I’ve travelled most of Europe and parts of Australia. In 2017 I left my job and moved into hospitality in the hotel and bar industry. I ended up supervising a 5 star poolside hotel bar at Crown for 2 years, and once again travelled to Ireland in the off season to see family and friends. In 2018 whilst in Ireland I met my partner Jamie.  We spent the whole Irish summer together and then I came back home to Perth for work. In 2019 I made the decision to pack up my life and move to Ireland to live with Jamie. I have now been living here with him for over a year.  I am working in one of the local pubs here and you guessed it, travelling every chance I get. I don’t know what I want to do career wise yet like some of my fellow class mates do, but for me, travelling and living abroad is the perfect place for me right now. Life has been an exciting and unpredictable journey since leaving school. Everything I had planned to do after school didn’t happen or work out so I went in a different direction, and I couldn’t be happier!