The Rite Journey - Calling & Departure

On Thursday 7 March, the Year 9 students, specialist teachers and parents/carers gathered at Shoalwater Reserve to celebrate the 'Departure', a component of the Rite Journey introduced this year at PCACS.  The Rite Journey is a unique programme designed to support the development of self-aware, responsible and resilient adults. The Rite Journey reinvents the traditional process of a Rite of Passage to assist in transforming adolescents from dependency to responsibility.

There are two elements of the programme which were celebrated on Thursday evening. The first being the ‘Calling’, which encourages students to show gratitude for their childhood and call them on their journey to young adulthood.  The second component to the ceremony is the ‘Departure’, which involves parents, carers and mentors joining the students for an opportunity to learn, reflect and look forward.  Parents/carers and their son/daughter found a quiet spot along the beach and letters were exchanged between each family. 

Using simple symbols, the boys lined up and individually threw a rock into the ocean and the girls lit a sparklers.  Both representative of 'letting go' of the child and welcoming adulthood.  

"Adulthood is a big thing – as vast as the ocean both, in opportunities and challenges. Anyone who has swum in the ocean knows that it’s not to be taken lightly or carelessly. We need to learn about its ways; we need to listen to others who have more experience; we need to train to be strong in body and mind to go into the ocean. But when you do, when you’ve gained the respect and understanding and know-how, the ocean brings great enjoyment and possibilities too."