Transition Day at PCACS

On Friday 13 November, there was a flurry of activity in and around both the Junior and Senior School with a number of transition activities taking place.

The Year 6 students (both current and incoming) gathered in the Keith Lindbeck Centre for what would be their first gathering as future Senior School students. Ms House (Principal), Mr Wynhorst (Head of Senior School), Mr Halliday (Director of Pastoral Care), Mr Dods (Director of Curriculum) and Mrs Lindsay Farrell (Year 7 Coordinator) addressed the students and outlined an exciting day ahead, where students would spend the day in their House groups getting to know one another, familiarising themselves with the Senior School and participate in a variety of activities, all in preparation for the next stage of their educational journey.

Year 1 students ventured over from the Calista campus, spending the day with the Year 2 teachers and getting a feel for the 'big' School, their new classrooms and 'what they might expect next year' moving campuses.  Similarly all other classes spent the first period of the day with their respective teachers next year, a valuable exercise for both teachers and students.