WA Innovation Day Schools Challenge Winners

Building upon the work from this year's ANSTO National Science Week Hackathon, 3 teams of TIDES students in 2022 submitted entries for this competition. Each team had to create an innovative concept that provides a solution to glass recycling that will benefit their community. Competing against other WA Schools, teams had to send in a two-minute video pitch of their innovative idea.

The combined team from Years 9 and 10 took feedback from the competition judges and were announced as overall winners of the 2022 WA Innovation Day Schools Challenge. They were presented with their certificates and a trophy at school today by Mr Paul Litwin from Bloom.

Judges select the best innovation idea from the primary and secondary school categories.

Congratulations to the PCACS teams who entered the competition and a special mention to the Combined Winners team:

Willem Pepper, Tony Papas, Geng Ngor, Ethan Lee, Thomas Mills


Taylah Good, Deacon Mastaglia, Harry Henderson, Liam Shaw, Lochlan French

Christopher Argentino, Amtoj Randhawa, Olivia Barry, Zoe Mandishona, Nandita Saini, Riarna Koti, Jada Alcock, Tianna Brown

#pcacstides #stemeducation #pcacslife Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA Science Teachers' Association of WA - STAWA