Welcome back to Term 3 - NAIDOC Week

On Tuesday 20 July, the School community at the Wellard campus gathered in the Keith Lindbeck Centre for the start of Term 3.

Over the holidays, our nation celebrated NAIDOC Week and in a NAIDOC themed assembly, Principal Ms House shared the 2021 National NAIDOC poster (designed by Maggie Jean Douglas). Her artwork is titled 'Care for Country' and explores how Country is cared for and how country heals First Nations people - spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially and culturally.

Ms House also invited PCACS Year 9 student Jeremy Clowry, to share his vision and inspiration behind an original indigenous painting, which has been transformed into a PCACS Indigenous shirt. Jeremy's design combines a rendition of knowledge, journey and togetherness. Jeremy describes the symbolism behind the design:

"There are 15 white dots in the design representing, not only purity, peace and new beginnings, but each year group within our School from Pre Kindy through to Year 12. The design stretches up like branches on a family tree to meet the circle of staff members or 'heart' of the school, where we become one together in our community. Representing all students and staff as one we branch out into our House Groups with all the colours and continue to stay connected together."

All students received a sticker of Jeremy's design and all staff proudly wore their staff shirts as part of the NAIDOC Week Celebration.