Year 10 Geography Fieldwork Excursion - Penguin Island

On Monday 22 March all Year 10 students participated in a Geography Fieldwork excursion at Penguin Island. Commencing with a boat cruise around the surrounding islands, students were delighted to see a variety of wildlife including sea lions basking in the sun, baby pelicans learning to fly and an incredible family of dolphins swimming and frolicking around the boats. After reaching Penguin Island students began their walk around the island, learning about its biodiversity, exploring the Island's History and changing landscape and completing field sketches. Students also were lucky enough to see rescued Penguins being fed in the rehabilitation Centre.

In the afternoon, students were joined by Wayne Walters at Shoalwater Beach to participate in a beach clean up. Wayne is an Education Officer from the ‘Adopt a Beach program’ and works for Perth NRM. Students tallied and presented their findings, as one part of their assessment process. However, more importantly, their results were uploaded onto the ‘Australian Marine Debris Database.'

The purpose of this trip was to create spatial awareness and appreciation for the natural beauty we have on our doorstep, whilst exploring the impacts that all new developments might have on the unique biodiversity of this area.