Year 12 Valedictory Celebrations 2021

On Tuesday 19 October we farewelled the Class of 2021 at their Valedictory Assembly in the Keith Lindbeck Centre.

In what was an emotional farewell for the Year 12s, Mr Halliday, Mr Wynhorst and Ms House shared their words of wisdom, encouraging the 12s to reflect back on their time at PCACS, the wonderful memories made and the special friendships forged throughout the journey. 

The buddy programme the Year 12s experienced with the Year 2s this year culminated in the Year 12 students receiving a graduation gift from their respective buddies on stage, a highlight for not only the Graduates and their parents but certainly the Year 2 students themselves. 

The Class of 2021 will return this evening with their parents to share in a Valedictory Eucharist and dinner, the final celebration and chapter of their education at PCACS.