Year 12 Valedictory Eucharist and Dinner 2021

Last night, the Class of 2021 concluded their Valedictory celebrations with a shared Eucharist with parents and teachers, followed by their final dinner.

Dream, Believe, Shine, was the theme for the celebrations, Year 12 Coordinator Cara Barrett sharing her thoughts on the Class of 2021,

"I feel as though I have got to know each and every one of you over the last 4 years and I am really excited to see where life takes youI know that there is a great deal of diversity in what you want to do in the future - Doctors, nurses, miners, journalists, teachers, zoologists and Navy personnel. Whatever it is you are wanting to do, I know you all have goals and your futures are looking safe in your own hands. Individually you have some unique talents which will serve you well but as a group you are very special. You are not the most academic, sporty or dynamic group but you are the most compassionate group I have ever had the pleasure to coordinate."  

"Let dream, believe, shine be your motto as you go into the World showing off who YOU are." - Mrs Barrett