Year 3P and their Teddy Bears

Children around the world have been on the hunt – for Teddy Bears!

From cities in the United States to Australia and New Zealand to Belgium and the Netherlands, people have been leaving stuffed animals on their window sills as part of a global scavenger hunt to entertain kids under coronavirus lockdown.

The stuffed animal scavenger hunts were inspired by the children’s book “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”, written by Michael Rosen in 1989.

Year 3P decided to explore this idea and write about why Teddy Bears are special to them, particularly during recent difficult times.  Principal, Ms Felicity House spent some time chatting with the class, talking to them about their Teddy Bears and how they bring comfort to the students.  Students felt that when we were all part of the PCACS@Home Programme, the Teddy Bears made students feel like they were not alone, particularly throughout a time where students couldn't be with their friends in person.