Year 4 Zoo Excursion

On Thursday 16 May, the Year 4 classes visited Perth Zoo as part of their Integrated Inquiry Unit.  Year 4 will be exploring threatened and endangered animals. The students will spend the day learning how humans and other factors have affected each animal and how scientific discoveries are helping to ensure their long term survival. They also investigated native species and how they can create fauna friendly habitats for local wildlife.

“The best part of my day was seeing the koala wake up. That only happens for two hours, because they sleep for 22 hours a day.” Harley Elwell.

 “My favourite part of the day was when we were learning about all animals because I got a lot of information.” Krishna Surve.

 “The best part of my day was when I saw the kangaroos because I saw a baby or toddler kangaroo and a white kangaroo.” Ashley Kevan.