YMAD Visit to Animal Protection Society of WA

Every Monday lunchtime a group of up to 20 students from Years 5 to 12 meet to discuss issues that are relevant to them and that they are interested in seeing change.  They look into local, national and international issues. 

For the past few months, a group of Year 7 girls have been researching and investigating animal welfare.  Their interest in animal welfare and animal shelters led to them contacting the Animal Protection Society of WA.  As a result, on Monday 9 September, the students made a visit to APSWA to find out more about the work they do.  The students were surprised to see well-kept facilities run mainly by volunteers.  There are over 85 cats currently at APSWA and 24 dogs.  The animals were well cared for and loved by the workers.  APSWA receive no government funding and, as such, rely on donations from community members and groups.  It costs them $36,000 annually to feed all of the cats.  Sharon, the volunteer who showed us around the property and answered our questions, said that the most significant thing to educate the community on was the importance of sterilising animals as this will stop the cycle of over population of cats and dogs.  Kwinana is one of the areas that they collect the most abandoned and injured animals.

Some reflections from the students:

‘Eye–opening. I expected it to be heart breaking but it made me happy because they get cared for more than at a pound or in some homes.  APSWA receive no government funding but it costs $36000 year to just feed the cats.  There are so many volunteers.  The animals need to be adopted so they can be cared for their specific needs.  It was sad to see how many of the animals had separation anxiety.’ – Olivia, Year 8

‘There were cats roaming around.  It was good that they weren’t just locked away.  APSWA are not well known and rely on donations from the community.’ – Maia, Year 7

‘Even though APSWA are not well known, they still do so much amazing work.’ – Samantha, Year 7

‘It was good because they actually take care of the animals.   It was inspiring to see the volunteers putting in so much although they are not getting paid.’ – Charlee, Year 7

How can you help APSWA?

  • If you would like to donate to APSWA, their current needs include: wet and dry pet food (no home brand please) and laundry detergent (top loader).  Donations can be dropped off directly at APSWA in Southern River; members of the public are welcome to visit the premises.  Alternatively, you can drop them in the box at Student Services and we will arrange for them to be delivered.
  • Anyone over 16 can volunteer their time to help walk dogs, clean out cages and feed the animals.
  • Monetary donations will go towards renovations for warmth and cooling in the kitten sheds, veterinary care, toys for dogs and building maintenance.  Donations can be made here: https://www.givenow.com.au/animalprotectionwa
  • Dogs and cats can be adopted by loving families who can provide the appropriate care for these animals.

For more information on APSWA please visit: https://www.apswa.asn.au/